Join Our Men's Group Bible Study

Attention Men: Did you know Nativity has a men’s group?

The Nativity Parish Men’s Group meets the last Wednesday morning of each month. Our next session is Wednesday August 25th 6:30 AM in Bona Hall. Please enter through Door #1

Would you like to learn how to read the Bible so that you can understand it? We will be starting an 8-week bible study using the DVD series: The Bible Timeline:  The Story of Salvation History by Jeff Cavins, no bible is needed. Please feel free to come even if you missed the first session. You will be easily able to catch up.

Jeff Cavins will show how the narrative books of the bible tell the biblical story from beginning to end. Check out the website;

RSVP or questions please contact Fred Kaminski - email:  Bruce McEwing – email:

We look forward to seeing you.

Deb Langenhuizen