Nursing Home Visitors Needed

Our brothers and sisters at Woodside Lutheran Nursing Home long to receive Our Lord in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Bringing Holy Communion to these residents who cannot attend Mass is a long standing practice of our Catholic tradition; especially our parish of Nativity. For this ministry to be effective and sustained, more volunteers/ministers are needed. We are in desperate need of more volunteers/ministers because members have left the ministry due to death, illness or taking leave after many years of service. This is a simple way to volunteer for an hour or so one Sunday a month. Visiting the sick is one of the Corporal Works of Mercy of our faith that we must practice in action. The faith-filled Catholic residents of these nursing homes long and look forward each Sunday to receive Communion. Won’t you consider helping? Please contact Wayne Efferson, Worship Leader at 490-1352 x206, for more information. *VIRTUS Training is required.
