K-12 Resources


Calendars and Forms

Here is where you will find all of our calendars and forms. In-person sessions are at the same time as last year (6:15-7:15p.m.), but you are asked to choose the night you will be attending. Please read the Welcome Letter or watch the Overview video for more details. Online registration is already open. If you have any questions feel free to call us: 920-449-6012

Discipleship COmmunications

Looking for ways to talk to your kids about internet boundaries and staying safe? Here is a great link to resources.

The first video is our first episode of Family Faith Nights! In this episode we explore the idea of the family as the Domestic Church. You are the church and that should change the way your family works! Check it out!

The second video is our recent coffee chat about the importance of our Safe Environment process. All volunteers who work with our young people are expected to go through the Safe Environment process. For more information go to our Safe Environment page.
